A Tale of Hope by Maddy Bowles

Anne Bulger

Martha Bowles celebrating the tenth anniversary of her transplant with her kidney donor, Anne Bulger.

My name is Maddy Bowles. I’m 18 years old and I have spent more than half of my life helping my mom fight for hers. More than 15 years ago, Anne Bulgermy mom needed a kidney transplant. My family went through a lot of heartbreak and disappointment as it was discovered that out of 14 family members and friends that got tested to give my mom a kidney, we were unfortunately not a compatible match. My mom, Martha, was on the donation list for years, not to mention all of the generous people who offered to be a living donor. But she had antibody rejection issues, so she went on dialysis and kept waiting. There were nights that my younger sister, Clare, and I didn’t know if we’d have my mom the next day. And there were some things I didn’t fully understand at the time, such as when my mom missed my eighth birthday because she was in the hospital.

Finally, my great aunt Anne Bulger, proved to be a match and the kidney transplant was a success. Now, each January, our family celebrates my mom and Anne’s health and the successful transplant; this year marked the 10th anniversary of the transplant!

This June, my sister Clare and I raised money for NJ Sharing Network (along with the help of many family and friends) in honor of my mom and Anne’s 10th anniversary, and our family participated in the 5K Walk/Race. I’ve been involved with NJ Sharing Network for years. Throughout high school, I worked to help the Donate Life cause, and my family also participated in the National Kidney Foundation Walk in NYC a few years ago. I even wrote my college essay on my mom’s gift of life, family hardships, and the power of NJ Sharing Network’s support.

Though my mom’s sickness was a trying time for my family, ultimately we became closer than ever. We’ve learned to never take our health for granted, and to cherish the time spent with loved ones.

A Tale of Hope by Brian Mansfield

Brian Mansfield

Brian Mansfield, Awardee of the 2014-2015 Benjamin R. Chirls Scholarship

Like most people I have heard of organ and tissue donation, but never really knew much about it. I knew the concept, but never understood how great of an impact it had on peoples’ lives. However, that all changed in December 2012, when at the age of 16 I found myself in need of a cornea donor in hopes of saving my vision in my left eye.

At the end of my sophomore year everything was going great. I was playing lacrosse, doing well in school, having fun with my friends, and being a kid, but then everything changed in the blink of an eye. In May 2012, I contracted Acanthamoeba Keratitis in my left eye. It is a very rare and serious eye disease that affects only one in two million, and can lead to blindness or loss of an eye. In my case, I suffered from vision loss, excessive tearing, swelling, pain, eye spasms, and light sensitivity so severe I couldn’t even tolerate the light from a cell phone. I had to stop all my activities, including school because of these symptoms. Over the summer I was restricted to a pitch black basement due to the light sensitivity, while at the same time undergoing numerous different treatments, and visiting the doctor’s office three times a week in New York City as I needed to be closely monitored. My condition only worsened and despite suffering from these symptoms I attempted to go back to school the following fall for my junior year.

School was very difficult as I faced numerous challenges because of my condition. I couldn’t look at the board, was still in constant pain, and was frequently absent due to my illness, which led me to be fall behind and play catch up in class. I was able to push through these obstacles until November when I had to stop going to school as I underwent an unsuccessful experimental surgery called Collagen Cross Linking. The surgery worsened my condition and I required an emergency corneal transplant or risk losing my left eye. The transplant was initially successful and my doctors were optimistic, until I started to experience unexplainable and unexpected complications two weeks after the surgery. My symptoms returned, and I was again relegated to the pitch black basement. Miraculously my condition started improving in March, and despite still suffering from severe light sensitivity I requested home instruction.

Through it all, school was always a top priority for me, and despite all these challenges, I finished my junior year on time while receiving straight A’s. I continued to improve over the next several months, and eventually the light sensitivity improved enough to the point where only natural light bothered my eye, and I am now only suffering from swelling in my eyelid. I did go back to school this fall for my senior year, but am limited in my activities due to the stitches that are in my eye. I can no longer play sports, swim, or do pretty much any other physical activity, until the stitches are removed, but my doctors plan on keeping them in indefinitely.

My doctors are also considering another surgery in December to resolve the remaining symptoms. I am however much better than I was 2 years ago, and am looking forward to attending the University of Richmond next fall.

My involvement with NJ Sharing Network began about six months after my transplant when my complications subsided enough to allow me to leave the house, and I was able to participate in my first SK event along with my family. It was a very emotional experience for all of us, especially for me. During the walk I met families that donated the organs of their loves ones and was inspired by their stories and how much joy it brought them to know that they were helping others and honoring the memories of their loved ones. Also, when I walked with donor recipients like myself, I also realized that I wasn’t alone and was now bonded with so many people who shared my experience. Recently, I completed my orientation and training to serve as a Volunteer Ambassador for NJ Sharing Network.

I understand how important it is to raise money and participate in SK events and various fundraisers, but due to the shortage of organ and tissue donors, I feel that awareness is just as important, perhaps even more so. That is why I feel that the best way that I can help is to increase donor awareness by being a “Walking Advertisement ” for this worthy cause, which is so very important to me and to so many others. I feel that most people don’t fully understand this cause until they make a personal connection with someone who has experienced it, whether it be a family member, or a complete stranger. That’s why I am committed to share my story with others to make a personal connection with as many people as I can to inform them about organ and tissue donor awareness.

When I was finally able to return to high school this year, I feel that I opened the eyes of so many students and teachers about donating their organs and tissue to help save or improve the life of someone. Now, as I am beginning college in the fall, I have a whole new group of people that I can make inspire to become donors. As I said, being a
“Walking Advertisement’ ‘ is a commitment that I can continue throughout my life time.

I cannot think of a better way to educate others and hopefully, increase the number of donors which improve and save the lives of many people. Currently, there are approximately 5,000 NJ residents and more than 120,000 overall on waiting lists. I was given a very generous gift in my donor cornea and want as many people as possible to have the same opportunity for a second chance. I feel that it is not only my duty, but my privilege to spread the word about organ and tissue donation. I know that I can make a difference and that is what I plan to do.

A Tale of Hope by Ron Oswick

I truly believe that fate brought my girlfriend, Tanya, and I together. We met four years ago, while we both worked at Morgan Stanley. It was then that I noticed the scar on Tanya’s chest. What Tanya later told me about the scar left me in disbelief.

Ron Oswick, Tanya Piccini

Ron and Tanya

Tanya had received a life-saving heart transplant. After suffering from a stroke at the age of 11, she was diagnosed with Restrictive Cardiomyopathy. After the stroke, Tanya was hospitalized for three months before her family was notified that a heart had become available. She had the transplant surgery shortly after at Columbia Presbyterian in New York City. Nineteen years later, she is doing well; she recently started a career in nursing, a life-long dream, at Mount Sinai Beth Israel in New York.

Since the beginning of our relationship, Tanya and I have participated in NJ Sharing Network’s Annual 5K Walk & USATF Certified Race every year as a way to celebrate her second chance at life and give hope to all those who continue to wait for a life-saving organ transplant.

I’m emotionally hooked. I’ve never really thought about organ donation much before I met Tanya. If it weren’t for someone donating a heart 19 years ago, I wouldn’t have the love of my life today.

A Tale of Hope by Tracey Amadi

The love and generosity of my son gave me a second chance at life.

Before my transplant, I suffered from kidney cancer and had to have my right kidney removed. After going through dialysis for five years, being in the hospital 14 times within 18 months and having my gallbladder removed, I was extremely worn out.

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Tracey and her son, Emmanuel

When my son, Emmanuel, first made the selfless suggestion of giving me his kidney, I declined it. I know how scared he is of needles and I wasn’t sure if my condition was hereditary. The last thing I wanted to do was put my son in danger.

I received a lot of false alarms of being “next in line” for a kidney. At this point, I couldn’t take it any longer. Emmanuel got tested and it turned out we weren’t a match. However, the paired kidney exchange program matches one incompatible donor/recipient pair to another in the same situation.

Four months later, Emmanuel and I went through the transplant process. I celebrated my one year anniversary of a new life on May 21, 2014. I am doing well and so is Emmanuel.

I recently became a volunteer with NJ Sharing Network. I feel it’s crucial to do so because I was so grateful; helping raise organ donation awareness is just one small way for me to give back.

I am also starting a non-profit organization, We Are Our Brother’s Keeper, which will spread education and awareness about organ donation to minorities. I recently held a luncheon gala to bring awareness to organ donation, celebrate the gift of life and share my journey with others.

I am now more driven to make people aware of organ donation and the exchange program.

A Tale of Hope by Sarah Meyers

I was born with a rare liver disease called Biliary Atresia, a condition in which there is a blockage in the tubes, or ducts, that carry bile from the liver to the gallbladder. Untreated, this disease can be fatal. So, as an infant, I underwent a Kasai procedure, which surgically bypassed my blocked ducts in order to prevent liver damage.

This procedure bought me a lot of time. Thirteen years, specifically. Thirteen years filled with regular child-like things such as play-dates with friends, summers spent at the local private swim club, the participation in activities such as dance, gymnastics, theatre, and tennis, and even vacations to places such as Disney World. There was nothing abnormal about my childhood besides the occasional doctor’s appointment, blood work, and having to take a few pills every day. But then again, every child has to go to the doctor, occasionally get blood work, and take medicine at some point whether it be to help cure a simple cold, or for more serious matters such as mine.

Things were going rather smoothly until a minor bump in the road during my year as a fifth grader. I ended up getting hospitalized for an unknown reason until it was determined that I had cholangitis. After just a few days in the Morristown Memorial Children’s Hospital, I regained my health and strength and was discharged.

Two years later, as a seventh grader, I was re-hospitalized for the same infection. I happily missed a couple of days of school, however, it was concluded that my health had taken a turn for the worst, and that things were only looking down from there. It was time we get a move on it and start investigating transplant centers.

Sarah Meyers

Sarah with her parents, Steve and Lisa Meyers

At the time of my transplant there were no pediatric liver transplant facilities in the state of New Jersey, so my family was forced to search elsewhere. At first, my family and I went to Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC, but after learning that the wait time for organs was much longer in the tri-state area, and that a split-liver or living donor would likely become one of the few options, my parents started researching other centers. They found that Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida had an exceptional program and so we traveled down South for an evaluation. It was then determined that I was a prime candidate for a liver transplant, and I was quickly added to the overwhelmingly large UNOS waitlist.

One short month later we received a phone call. I was eating my strawberry-flavored Special K cereal in the kitchen, preparing for one of my final days of seventh grade. My mom answered the phone. It was one of the transplant coordinators on the other line. They had a match for me. She instructed us to hop on a plane as soon as possible.

I knew it was for the best, but it had only been one month and I couldn’t have yet been prepared for this major surgery. I needed more time, and I secretly hoped that the donor wouldn’t be a match. But, knowing that we had to travel to Miami, I ran upstairs to get my pre-packed bag that I had put together in anticipation for this day. My mom, dad, and I were on a Continental Airlines flight to Miami, Florida within the next two hours.

Well, it was a match, and just a few hours later, I was in a hospital gown, sitting on the phone with my best friend while my family surrounded me. A transport nurse came in and told me it was time. I told my friend I had to go and that I’d talk to her later and hung up. What else was I supposed to say?

In the pre-op room, I was surrounded by my mom, dad, and grandmother. Soon enough, the anesthesiologist came out and told me it was time to say goodbye for now and that he’d take me into the operating room. I received a hug and a kiss from each family member, and waved goodbye, half-smiling, unsure of what other expression to give. I didn’t want them to think that I was scared. I had to be brave, for them. They had enough to deal with.

The anesthesiologist injected a calming medication into my IV. It was the first of many to make me feel like I was flying. But I still felt nervous, so he injected a bit more. I felt calm now, as calm as I could feel given the situation. I highly doubt that anyone has ever gone into an organ transplant totally Zen, but hey, if you have, then good for you! The anesthesiologist talked to me about school and his kids as he tried to sway my attention from the impending surgery.

As I was rolled into the OR, I was surrounded by several people who would be assisting with the surgery. I had complete faith in them all, especially my incredible surgeon, Dr. Kato, however, that didn’t mean that I wasn’t still scared. You never know what could happen in an operating room.

I was transferred from my rolling bed onto the warm operating table. It was a hard, flat surface, however, the heat made it mildly inviting. I glanced up at the fluorescent lights above and my mind went totally blank. Then, as the anesthesiologist allowed a steady stream of anesthesia flow into my veins, I decided to play the game I always play when I get put under. I tried to fight the anesthesia and see how long I could last. But it was only a couple of seconds and I was out like a light.

Six hours later I woke up in the ICU with several IVs and a tube down my nose. None of this was comfortable, but I was still delusional enough to not let it bother me. Soon, my parents returned to the room and were thrilled to see me awake and well.

I spent two days in the ICU until I was transferred up onto the regular transplant floor. Now, I thought the nurses in the ICU were tough, but the ones upstairs were hardcore and would not let me get away with just lying around all day long. They wanted me up and walking, practicing my breathing with this mechanism they had given me, and going to the bathroom normally. I couldn’t get away with anything.

Honestly, my biggest concern post-surgery was getting the darn tube out of my nose. I think I asked the nurses about it almost every time they came in. I’m not a persistent person like that, but I wanted this tube out.

Eventually the tube was removed, my breathing got stronger, and I was walking in circles around the transplant floor like it was my job. After a few weeks, I was discharged and got to live in an apartment in Miami with my family until I was permitted to fly home. Not a bad deal, huh?

Approximately three months post-transplant, I was told that I could return home. Once back in New Jersey, I began home-schooling until I was strong enough to return to school.

My transplant has taught me to be grateful for the life that I have, and not to take it for granted.

All I know about my donor is that he was a nine-year-old boy from Louisiana.  I’ve struggled with this fact for a long time. Wondering what makes me more worthy of life than he, but I’ve realized that I cannot think that way. Instead, I’ve realized that I must be thankful for my second chance, and to make something of myself. I want to be able to honor the young boy who passed and whose organ I received by living a long, fulfilling life. I want to be enough for the both of us. Not only must I live for myself, but I must live for him as well. His death will never be left in vain, for he saved the lives of many, and has given me the ability to live on and keep his memory alive. I truly believe that this boy lives on within me.

A Tale of Hope by Jaime David de León

Jaime David de León’s reason for joining the NJ Sharing Network Foundation Board is simple: “I received a gift and I want to give back.”

His extraordinary story begins more than a decade ago, when laboratory tests discovered high levels of a protein in his blood that showed he was in renal failure. He began kidney dialysis and went on the transplant waiting list at Saint Barnabas Medical Center.  He remained on dialysis for four years.

JD de León (right) pictured with his living kidney donor, Ken Wenger.

JD de León (right) pictured with his living kidney donor, Ken Wenger.

But JD’s blood type put him at a disadvantage. He was a type O, which means he can only accept an organ from someone with this rare blood type. However, people with blood type O can be universal donors and, as a result, their blood is in high demand.

“It seemed everyone was getting a kidney except me,” he said.  His chances of finding a match were so slim doctors considered him for an experimental procedure that allows recipients to receive a non-compatible kidney. His wife, Theresa, came to the hospital to be tested as a possible non-compatible donor. But doctors quickly ruled her out because her blood pressure was too high. Despondent, she shared her story with a colleague at PNC Bank, where she works as a Vice President of Wealth Management.

The colleague was Ken Wenger, a Sr. Vice President. He soon offered his kidney. Theresa and JD were amazed by Ken’s generous offer. And it turns out that Wenger was a perfect match, a statistical improbability.

“Ken told me his brother was born with just one kidney,” JD recalls.  “He always expected that he would donate his kidney sometime in his life.” JD said Ken discussed the donation with his brother after his brother had just beaten him in a basketball game. “His brother said, ‘I beat you with one kidney. Go ahead and give your kidney to someone who needs it,” JD recalled.  Since the 2007 transplant JD has been healthy and wants to share the lifesaving message of organ and tissue donation. “It’s my way of saying thanks,” he said.